What they’re saying about “Gay LDS Crossroads”
“Crossroads offers the reader poignant personal stories, asks engaging questions, and shines a much-needed light to help us – as LGTBQ individuals, as families, and as a church – see our way on this pioneer journey toward a better future.”
— Carol Lynn Pearson, author of Goodbye, I Love You and No More Goodbyes: Circling the Wagons Around Our Gay Loved Ones, as well as I’ll Walk With You (picture book based on her Primary song by the same name) carollynnpearson.com
“Evan Smith’s book is honest, clear, broad in its reach, and extremely useful. It is very accessible, organized so that the reader can hop around and examine different aspects of the situation depending on the reader’s particular interests. As an active church member, a former bishop, and the father of a gay son, Evan is acutely aware of the enormous hurt of LGBTQ church members and their families. He offers very thoughtful paths forward for changes in church policy and culture that are consistent with the foundational doctrines of the gospel and that would, in fact, expand the church’s good influence. Very good stuff.”
— Judy Dushku, co-founder of the magazine Exponent II, former Boston Stake Relief Society President, founder of THRIVE Gulu in Uganda, former professor of government at Suffolk University, and mother of a gay son
“Crossroads is a wonderful book from my friend, Evan Smith, an active Latter-day Saint and the father of a gay son, who shares valuable insights into how we can better meet the needs of LGBTQ Latter-day Saints. I encourage parents, local leaders, and our LGBTQ members to read this insightful and thoughtful book to better become the Body of Christ.”
— Richard Ostler, host of the podcast Listen, Learn and Love, founder of listenlearnandlove.org, and author of the book Listen, Learn and Love: Embracing LGBTQ Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (September 2020)
“This book is a critically important study of how homosexuality is currently thought of in the LDS Church and how we might see it in a different light so as not to leave our LGBT members without a place in our theology. As the loving father of a gay son, Evan Smith has clearly given this topic significant thought over the years and clearly expresses his experience and thinking in a way that invites us to consider how we might do better as a church.”
— Bryce Cook, author of an influential essay available at mormonlgbtquestions.com, founding member of ALL (Arizona LDS LGBT) Friends & Family, and co-director of the annual “ALL Are Alike Unto God” Conference held every April in Mesa, Arizona
Crossroads approaches LGBTQ issues within the church, exploring potential paths forward in a sensitive manner, with honest assessments and faithful proposals. This nearly encyclopedic work explores previous arguments, declarations and interpretations, calling for a compassionate re-analysis of how Latter-day Saints and leaders relate to their LGBTQ brothers and sisters. Evan Smith explores potential shifts in policy and doctrinal interpretation, that respect the integrity of Latter-day Saint tenets and scripture, which would advance a more welcoming church. His personal odyssey and investigative approach are both analytical and heartwarming.”
— Clair Barrus, a Mormon historian who manages TodayinMormonHistory.com, blogs at withoutend.org, has published in the Journal of Mormon History and most recently in the John Whitmer Historical Association Journal (“Religious Authority, Sexuality, and Gender Roles of the Elect Ladies of the Early Republic: Jemima Wilkinson, Ann Lee, and Emma Smith”)
“Every word in the title of Evan Smith’s book is a Christ-like and loving magnet to readers, whether they are queer, allies, or those trying to reconcile their faith with being privileged to learn that a loved one identifies as LGBTQ+. As the title highlights, we are currently at a crossroads. I know of crossroads, having joined The Church of Jesus Christ aware of two things: that I was bisexual, and that the church’s history with LGBTQ+ people and gay rights was contentious and less than queer people would hope for. Still, I joined. I am still here, and I intend to stay. So much work on Christ-like love, acceptance, and support remains undone for our LBGTQ+ Saints and their family and friends. Still too often – as Evan details – when LGBTQ+ Saints embrace their sexual and gender identities, they might feel they are at a heart-breaking crossroads – stay in the church and feel inferior or unwanted due to a doctrinal emphasis on heterosexual family ideals, or leave the church and lose connections to family, friends, temples, and saving ordinances. Evan’s book gives me hope for our church’s future, for my own journey, and for my queer sister and brother Saints.”
— Timothy D., a convert who enjoys talking with other converts, listening to the journeys of other LGBTQ+ Saints in-person, on podcasts and in online publications, and spending time with his family
“Crossroads is an impassioned hope by a father for happiness for his gay son and other LGBTQ church members and their families. Smith poignantly describes the challenges that LGBTQ members face at Church with our current teachings, doctrines and policies. As a father of a gay son, Smith understands much of the pain, rejection, and challenges of LGBTQ members and gives them voice. Smith recounts personal experiences and his own journey towards allyship and helps us understand how the Church’s teachings regarding LGBTQ individuals has changed. But, the high point of Crossroads is how Smith gives us a vision of how believing members can better support our LGBTQ members, regardless of how they choose to live their lives.”
— David B. Ostler, author of Bridges: Ministering to Those Who Question
“Crossroads provides valuable insight into the tough challenges our LGBTQ siblings face as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is my hope that many members will read this book so they can better understand the LGBTQ experience and learn to minister to them effectively. I pray that readers will have an open heart and will ponder on ways to help our church be more inclusive. Our LGBTQ members are needed for us to learn how to love as the Savior loves.”
— Christina Dee, moderator of the Mormons Building Bridges Facebook group, and volunteer at the Utah Pride Center, Encircle, and Affirmation
“Crossroads will take you on a journey of emotions, as Evan shares his family story of how he gained a deeper Christ-like love and acceptance for the LGBTQ+ community, while serving in various positions (bishop, stake presidency, etc.) in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This book helps to bring awareness and knowledge to some of the issues we are currently facing within the church. Evan was incredibly thorough in his research. He shares views on church doctrine which are thought provoking, as well as spiritually enlightening. With a prayerful heart, Evan details his personal experience of heartache, forgiveness, love and hope for what’s to come. Evan, I am so proud of you for the amazing father, husband, son, and brother you are. My life has been blessed with you as my brother.”
— Sarah Quincy, affirming aunt and supportive sister
“Gay Latter-day Saint Crossroads is both highly insightful and inspiring. The book provides excellent clarity of analysis and original insights not previously shared in the relevant literature. Its combination of personal experiences, scriptural analysis, and reference to other works provides a deeply moving and intellectually rigorous picture of LGBTQ and Latter-day Saint experiences and the underlying principles that have, now do, and may yet shape Latter-day Saint approaches to LGBTQ issues. The book will open minds and hearts.”
— Truman Whitney, gay Harvard law student and returned missionary

— Valerie Nicole Green, co-founder & co-chair of Emmaus LGBTQ Ministry. She is a transgender woman who is active in her ward of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Missouri. Before transitioning, she was married for 34 years and is now widowed. She is the father to five children and grandfather to six grandchildren. After five decades of waiting, she has been fully socially transitioned since January 1, 2019. Read her full thoughts on Gay Latter-day Saint Crossroads at the Emmaus LGBTQ blog.