Now available: “Sunday Lessons and Activities for Kids”
Marci McPhee’s first book “Sunday Lessons and Activities for Kids” is now available! Find it on,, or wherever LDS books are sold.
How do you handle Father’s Day and Mother’s Day when children may not be living with one of each? How do you build a celestial nursery with toddlers? Whether you’re a parent, teacher or leader, this nonfiction book will enhance your resource collection with real world helps, activity ideas, and stories. In these pages are tales of the exuberant joy as well as the real world challenges of nurturing children. You’ll also find ready-to-use ideas for channeling boundless energy, teaching about ideal families to children who live in other-than-ideal families, staffing challenges, bullying, children’s music for a lifetime, kids with special needs, building a celestial nursery, pint-sized service projects, and behavior management. And you’ll find some of the best children’s lesson enhancements and activities of all time.
Read more here, including the list of authors and reviews!
A portion of the proceeds will support immigrant mothers and their children at Waltham Family School in Massachusetts.